Jumat, 15 Maret 2013

Prey Anti Theft


Prey adalah software open-source gratis anti maling yang didesain untuk membantu mendapatkan kembali laptop yang dicuri.Saat komputer portable Anda dicuri atau hilang, aktifkan Prey lewat SMS atau Internet, dan Anda akan mendapatkan info lokasi. Anda bisa juga menghapus semua password atau mengunci komputer Anda dari jarak jauh.

Download Prey Anti Theft klik Disini
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TeamViewer 8.0.17396

Teamviewer dapat digunakan untuk mengakses PC secara jarak jauh selama ada jaringan yang menghubungkannya misalnya Internet atau bisa disebut juga meremote pc yg berada sangat jauh.

Download TeamViewer 8.0.17396 klik Disini
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DriverPack Solution 13


DriverPack Solution 13 adalah merupakan sebuah program yang berisi kumpulan-kumpulan driver (automated driver installation) untuk VGA, Chipset, SoundCard, LanCard, Wifi, Printer, dll. Bisa digunakan untuk semua versi windows dari windows XP, Vista, Seven (32/64 bit) yang dapat anda gunakan di berbagai macam komputer dan laptop. DriverPack Solution 13 ini adalah versi terbaru untuk saat ini.

Download DriverPack Solution 13 klik Disini
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Tera Copy 2.27

Tera Copy 2.27 merupakan software yang diguanakan untuk mempercepat transfer file (copy, cut, move, paste) di komputer kita dan bisa juga mempause data dan melanjutkan kembali mengcopy data.

Dowload TeraCopy 2.27 klik Disini

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Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

Update CosmicBreak 3/14

Hello from the CosmicBreak Service Team. This week's maintenance is complete, thank you for waiting!


White Day Garapon


Today is White Day (in Japan!), and to celebrate this occasion, we are releasing the White Day Garapon! The garapon will be featuring a new character named Lupette Rowel who has two puppets to support her! Lupette Rowel will also be available in the Shop for 120 Rt, so be sure to check her out!


Also featured in the White Day Garapon are 3 male characters who seem to be planning on taking it easy instead of giving gifts to pay back the girls for the chocolates they received! Re-introducing Muscle Victor, Brave Lios, and Dracken and their Yukkuri Accessories!


The White Day Garapon will be available until 4/11, so happy rolling!


White Day Events!


It's White Day (In Japan!), which means it's time for some White Day Events! The girls who gave you their chocolates on Valentine's Day are waiting in the newly designed resort area for some heartfelt gifts in return for all the hard work they put into making that chocolate!

Fortunately, we're going to be helping you out by making a variety of ways that you can collect White Day Gifts to give to the girls to thank them for their chocolate:

    - You will be able to receive one White Day Gift per day just for logging in!
    - You can receive a random number of White Day Gifts by competing in Union Wars each day!

Give these White Day Gifts to NPCs like Pepo Pucci, Nicole Malice, Misty Void, Elizalotte, Drakken, Muscle Victor, and Brave Lios! As you give them Gifts, they'll return the favor with Wonder Bits, and the 15th and 30th items they give you will be special parts and accessories!.

The White Day Events will run until 3/28, so be sure to give out those gifts and show the girls that you care!

    - Each character keeps a separate count of gifts given to them.
    - Players will only receive special parts at 15th and 30th item given, and afterwards will only receive Wonder bits from that character.
    - Parts and Accessories will not be Bazaar-able, but the White Day Gift item will be.


Premium Charge Bonus Update

We have updated the Premium Charge Bonus item for those players who are thinking of renewing their Premium Charge service! To all players who have not yet seen the benefits of using the Premium Charge Service, just click HERE.


If you are a regular buyer of Rt, don't miss this chance to save yourself 30 bucks!


Clan Fight System


Clan Fight is a new game mode that allows clans to compete against each other every week! Check it out by clicking on the Clan Fight Info button underneath Epoch Battle on the Arena menu.

Like Epoch Battle, Clan Fight only occurs at certain preset times. The next month's Clan Fights will be on 3/2, 3/9, 3/10, 3/16, 3/23, and 3/30 from 19:00 to 20:00 Server Time. To participate, register your team from the Clan Fight screen after the event has started. Teams that register will be automatically matched up with each other.

Clan Fight Details:

    - Clan Fight teams consist of 5 to 10 clan members. Up to 2 teams from the same clan may enter.

    - Clan Fight matches have a maximum Commando cost limit of 3000, and a minimum per-robot cost limit of 500. In other words, the entire cost of your Commando cannot exceed 3000, and each robot in your Commando must cost at least 500.

    - Teams whose numbers of members differ by 3 or more will not be matched against each other. If enough players from one team disconnect to create a member number difference of 3 or more after the matching has been decided but before the match begins, the team with fewer members will receive a stat boost.

    - After a Clan Fight match, each member of the winning team will receive 2 Clan Coins.


About Clan Coins:

Clan Coins can be traded in for fabulous prizes, including a selection of brand new parts! To trade in your Clan Coins, talk to Kuten Jikun Long near the Clan Counter.


Weekly Garapon


This week's Weekly Gara features a selection of popular robots from Garapons past. Enjoy!



    - Quests have been shuffled.

    - The Union War Battle Campaign has ended as announced. The prizes have now been sent out!

    - The system allowing players to re-tune items without Cosmic Regrets for free and have their materials refunded as been removed as previously announced. Re-tuning and material refunds will now apply as they did before the 2/28 update.

    - The Valentine's Discs which were accidentally left in the shop have been removed.

    - Great Roi BD's ROCKET PUNCH has been modified to no longer explode automatically when near flying enemies. It will now explode only on impact with enemies.

    - Bug in which Cony Sherrif's BD/BD2'S G.B.A. would not display the correct effects after then 3/07 update has been fixed.

    - Bug in which Wonder Bits that give buffs were also lowering the force of projectiles traveling through their area of effect has been fixed. This bug was an unintended side effect of the way in which melee attack hitboxes were adjusted to lower projectile force on 2/28.

    - Bug in which the Anti-Gravity effect would not function or display properly has been fixed.

    - Bug in which the Swift Jet BS ALPHA/BETA would allow movement while under the Bind or Slow effects has been fixed.

    - Bug in which Eve's E.V.E. Archetype's RUIN CANNON would not display the correct charge effects has been fixed.

    - Bug in which Akane Vermell PR's Dual Buster LIGHTNING GUN would not have the proper effect has been fixed.

    - Bug in which, upon firing, Akane Vermell PR's Dual Buster BEAM CANNON would not have the proper effect has been fixed.

    - Bug in which Haruka BS4's cost was higher than set has been fixed.

    - Sweet Headphone, Double Heart Ribbon, Angel Crown, and Strawberry Tiara have had thei increased HP regain or increased EXP gain removed, as stated in the item descriptions.

    - Pepo Pucci Candy's Pumpkin Mace has had its directional visuals changed. This does not affect its force.

    - Sound played on Haruka Langit JT and Akane Vermell PR's landing has been changed.


March Event Schedule

(Click to enlarge)

Check above for the March Event Schedule! All times are Server Time (PST).

Source : www.cosmicbreak.com
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Virtual DJ Pro 7.0.5

Virtual DJ Pro 7.0.5 ini adalah software yang bisa membantu kita dalam hal seperti me-remix lagu, mengedit lagu dan sebagainya, di sini kita hanya membutuhkan satu software saja dalam PC/Laptop/Gadget untuk melakukan semua kegiatan yang dibutuhkan oleh DJ,  yang paling banyak dan paling menarik digunakan di dalam Virtual DJ ini ialah fasilitas me-remix lagunya, hanya dengan kita menggerakkan mousenya saja (Komputer/Laptop) pada gambar CD, atau kita menggesekan tangan kita kepada layar touchscreen layaknya seperti seorang DJ yang sedang menggesek CD untuk me-remix (Gadget/SmartPhone), alat ini sudah secara otomatis menyimpan format yang tadi kita remix menggunakan cursor mouse maupun dengan finger kepada gadget, sesuai dengan gesekkan yang kita berikan terhadap CD untuk me-remix di layar Gadget/PC.
Download VirtualDJ Pro 7.0.5 klik Disini
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Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

XAMPP versi 1.8.1


XAMPP adalah perangkat lunak bebas, yang mendukung banyak sistem operasi, merupakan kompilasi dari beberapa program.

Fungsinya adalah sebagai server yang berdiri sendiri (localhost), yang terdiri atas program Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, dan penerjemah bahasa yang ditulis dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan Perl. Nama XAMPP merupakan singkatan dari X (empat sistem operasi apapun), Apache, MySQL, PHP dan Perl. Program ini tersedia dalam GNU General Public License dan bebas, merupakan web server yang mudah digunakan yang dapat melayani tampilan halaman web yang dinamis. Untuk mendapatkanya dapat mendownload langsung dari web resminya. 
XAMPP adalah kepanjangan yang masing-masing hurufnya adalah :
X : Program ini dapat dijalankan dibanyak sistem operasi,seperti Windows, Linux, Mac OS, dan juga Solaris.
A : Apache, merupakan aplikasi web server. Tugas utama Apache adalah menghasilkan halaman web yang benar kepada user berdasarkan kode PHP yang dituliskan oleh pembuat web. jika diperlukan juga berdasarkan kode PHP yang dituliskan,maka dapat saja suatu database diakses terlebih dahulu (misalnya dalam MySQL) untuk mendukung halaman web yang dihasilkan
M : MySQL, merupakan aplikasi database server. Perkembangannya disebut SQL yang merupakan kepanjangan dari Structured Query Language. SQL merupakan bahasa terstruktur yang digunakan untuk mengolah database. MySQL dapat digunakan untuk membuat dan mengelola database beserta isinya. Kita dapat memanfaatkan MySQL untuk menambahkan, mengubah, dan menghapus data yang berada dalam database.

P : PHP, bahasa pemrograman web. Bahasa pemrograman PHP merupakan bahasa pemrograman untuk membuat web yang bersifat server-side scripting. PHP memungkinkan kita untuk membuat halaman web yang bersifat dinamis. Sistem manajemen basis data yang sering digunakan bersama PHP adalah MySQl. namun PHP juga mendukung sistem manajement database Oracle, Microsoft Access, Interbase, d-base, PostgreSQL, dan sebagainya.

P : Perl adalah bahasa pemrograman untuk segala keperluan, dikembangkan pertama kali oleh Larry Wall di mesin Unix. Perl dirilis pertama kali pada tanggal 18 Desember 1987 ditandai dengan keluarnya Perl 1. Pada versi-versi selanjutnya, Perl tersedia pula untuk berbagai sistem operasi varian Unix (SunOS, Linux, BSD, HP-UX), juga tersedia untuk sistem operasi seperti DOS, Windows, PowerPC, BeOS, VMS, EBCDIC, dan PocketPC. Dukungan terhadap pemrograman berbasis obyek (object oriented programming/OOP) ditambahkan pada Perl 5, yang pertama kali dirilis pada tanggal 31 Juli 1993. Proyek pengembangan Perl 6 dimulai pada tahun 2000, dan masih berlangsung hingga kini tanpa tanggal yang jelas kapan mau dirilis. Ini dikatakan sendiri oleh Larry Wall dalam satu pidatonya yang dikenal dengan seri The State of the Onion. Dua di antara karakteristik utama Perl adalah penanganan teks dan berbagai jalan pintas untuk menyelesaiakn persoalan-persoalan umum. Perl sangat populer digunakan dalam program-program CGI (Common Gateway Interface) dan berbagai protokol Internet lainnya. Seperti diketahui, TCP/IP sebagai basis bagi semua protokol Internet yang dikenal sekarang ini menggunakan format teks dalam komunikasi data. Seperti juga bahasa populer lainnya, Perl menerima banyak kritikan. Meski banyak di antaranya hanya berupa mitos, atau berlebih-lebihan, tapi terdapat juga sejumlah kritikan yang valid. Salah satunya adalah, sintaksnya susah dibaca, karena banyak menggunakan simbol-simbol yang bukan huruf dan angka.

Download XAMPP for Windows klik Disini
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FileZilla versi

FileZilla adalah aplikasi FTP untuk client atau server. FileZilla bersifat open source dan didistribusikan di bawah lisensi GPL (General Public License).
Filezilla memiliki beberapa fitur yang membuatnya cukup dkenal sebagai salah satu aplikasi FTP (File Transfer Protocol) untuk mengupload atau mendownload banyak file dari dan ke sebuah website. Fitur-fitur utama Filezilla adalah sebagai berikut :
  • Site manager (Manajer situs), fungsinya untuk membuat daftar situs FTP beserta data koneksinya, seperti nomor port yang akan digunakan, protokol yang digunakan, dan apakah akan menggunakan log anonim atau normal. Untuk log normal, maka nama pengguna dan kata sandi akan disimpan. Penyimpanan kata sandi adalah opsional.
  • Message log (Log pesan). Ditampilkan di bagian atas jendela. Fitur ini menampilkan output berjenis konsol (console-type) yang menunjukkan perintah yang dikirim oleh FileZilla dan respons yang diterima dari server.
  • File and folder view. Ditampilkan di bawah pesan log (Message log), menyediakan sebuah tampilan grafis antarmuka untuk FTP. Pengguna dapat mengatur folder, melihat dan mengubah isinya pada komputer lokal dan server dengan menggunakan tampilan antarmuka gaya Explorer. Pengguna juga dapat melakukan drag and drop file antara komputer lokal dan server.
  • Transfer queue (Transfer antrian). Ditampilkan di sepanjang bagian bawah jendela, menunjukkan status real-time setiap antrian atau transfer file yang aktif.

 Dowload FileZilla Klik Disini
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Senin, 11 Maret 2013


UltraISO adalah sebuah software yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat, edit dan konversi file .ISO. Anda dapat melakukan ekstrak file ISO dan selanjutnya membakarnya ke dalam sebuah CD/DVD seperti Program Nero. Dan sebaliknya anda juga dapat membuat file ISO dari CD/DVD atau hardisk anda.
Tool ini mampu menangani berbagai format image, seperti .ISO, .BIN, .IMG, .CIF, .NRG, .MDS, .CCD, .BWI, .ISZ, .DMG, .DAA, .UIF, .HFS. Kelebihan aplikasi ini dibandingkan dengan aplikasi yang lain ialah penggunaanya yang mudah dan ukuran filenya yang tidak terlalu besar dan tidak membebani resource memory komputer pada saat menjalankan aplikasinya.
 Download UltraISO klik Disini
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Update CosmicBreak 3/7

Hello from the CosmicBreak Service Team. This week's maintenance is complete, thank you for waiting!


Misunagi Gara


The Misunagi Academy doors are open, and it looks like Akane Vermell PR and Haruka Langit JT are stepping out of school with some new gear and uniforms! Luto Mikazuchi RS and Connie Sheriff SG are joining them, and brandishing some new weapons themselves!


The Misunagi Gara will be gone on 4/4, so be sure to roll before then!


Union Wars Battle Campaign


Starting from 2/28, we are running a new Union Wars Battle Campaign! For the duration of the campaign, if you play enough Union Wars battles, you will be able to get some Rt prizes!

    - Play 40 matches total to get 20Rt!
    - Play 100 matches total to get 30 more Rt, for a grand total of 50Rt!

The Union Wars Battle Campaign will run until 3/14.

    - Team Fight and Training matches do not count towards your total number of Union War matches for the sake of this campaign.
    - The Rt prizes will be sent out AFTER the campaign has ended.


2nd Official Video Contest!


The 2nd Official CosmicBreak Video Contest is now no longer taking entries! For those of you who submitted entries, the prizes include Rt and an exclusive Flag, so be sure to prepare yourself for when the winners are announced!

Check out the submissions HERE. Stay tuned to find out who the winners are!


Clan Fight System


Clan Fight is a new game mode that allows clans to compete against each other every week! Check it out by clicking on the Clan Fight Info button underneath Epoch Battle on the Arena menu.

Like Epoch Battle, Clan Fight only occurs at certain preset times. The next month's Clan Fights will be on 3/2, 3/9, 3/16, 3/23, and 3/30 from 19:00 to 20:00 Server Time. To participate, register your team from the Clan Fight screen after the event has started. Teams that register will be automatically matched up with each other.

Update: Due to a programming error, there was no Clan Fight scheduled for 3/2. To make up for this, we will be having a Clan Fight weekend! There will be a Clan Fight on both 3/9 and 3/10 from 19:00 to 20:00 Server Time. Please enjoy!

Clan Fight Details:

    - Clan Fight teams consist of 5 to 10 clan members. Up to 2 teams from the same clan may enter.

    - Clan Fight matches have a maximum Commando cost limit of 3000, and a minimum per-robot cost limit of 500. In other words, the entire cost of your Commando cannot exceed 3000, and each robot in your Commando must cost at least 500.

    - Teams whose numbers of members differ by 3 or more will not be matched against each other. If enough players from one team disconnect to create a member number difference of 3 or more after the matching has been decided but before the match begins, the team with fewer members will receive a stat boost.

    - After a Clan Fight match, each member of the winning team will receive 2 Clan Coins.


About Clan Coins:

Clan Coins can be traded in for fabulous prizes, including a selection of brand new parts! To trade in your Clan Coins, talk to Kuten Jikun Long near the Clan Counter.


BEGINNER'S CHANNEL: UC to Rt Purchase Limits Reset!

Buyable Rt Price
1 - 10 Rt 700 UC per Rt
11 - 20 Rt 1400 UC per Rt
21 - 30 Rt 2100 UC per Rt
31 - 40 Rt 2800 UC per Rt
41 - 50 Rt 3500 UC per Rt

The UC to Rt conversion for the Beginner's Channel has been activated for another month with all purchase limits reset! The next UC > Rt reset will be on 3/28, so make sure to buy all 50 Rt before then!


Weekly Garapon


This week's Weekly Gara features a selection of popular robots from Garapons past. Enjoy!




We will be holding a Bazaar Event this Saturday (3/9) from 0:00 Server Time to 24:00 Server Time. Trade away stuff you don't need and pick up anything you do!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Since the addition of Bazaar to the game, we have been receiving an increased number of reports regarding accounts being stolen and/or cleared out due to password sharing. REMEMBER, NEVER TELL ANYONE YOUR PASSWORD!!! If you lose items/robots from your account because you told somebody else your password, it is highly unlikely that we will be able to help you, especially if the incident involves said items being traded away via the Bazaar. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Happy trading!



    - Quests have been shuffled.

    - Star Coin Shop purchase limits have been reset for the Beginner's Channel!

    - The Valentine's Gara has all ended as announced.

    - In response to player feedback, we have lowered the maximum rank allowed in the Beginners Channel to Chrome Hero (19) . Players of rank Titan Hero (20) and up will now only be allowed to play in the normal channels.

    - Bug concerning the Amot Vainic cooldown time status effect and Support Rejection has been fixed. Before the fix, it was possible for Resha to waste ammo for Amot Vainic by targeting a player affected by both the Amot Vainic cooldown time status effect and Support Rejection, because Support Rejection would take priority over the cooldown time status effect, allowing Resha to target the player. However, upon receiving Amot Vainic's Clearance effect, the targeted player would immediately lose Support Rejection, in turn causing the cooldown time effect to take priority again, immediately canceling Amot Vainic. After the fix, it is now impossible to cast Amot Vainic on players who have the cooldown effect, regardless of whether they have also been inflicted by Support Reject or not.

    - Bug in which Mecha Jetter Girl would display unusual animations when walking backwards has been fixed.

    - Bug in which Luto Mikazuchi LG would display unusual animations upon finishing walking has been fixed.

    - Bug in which the .cs2 file data would not save correctly when using the non full color palette has been fixed.

    - Bug in which the various Options tabs were unable to be modified has now been fixed.

    - Bug in which LG/LGJ and AM/AMJ would not properly display in the skin editor when attached to each other has been fixed.

    - Bug in which Gothic Punk Eris' REJECTION would not defend from any bullets has been fixed.


March Event Schedule

(Click to enlarge)

Check above for the March Event Schedule! All times are Server Time (PST).

Source : www.cosmicbreak.com
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